4 February 2009

Early starts, meetings and welcome visitors...

Well this whole changing jobs malarkey is a right royal pain in the arse. I’ve been bounced around between half a dozen people for the last few days trying to sort out what the chuff is happening and I think it’s becoming clearer. I’m going down to the mine on Friday for a meeting with the boss to discuss the tender for the machines (not my problem) and to find out about the job and what I’d be doing, have a look around and meet the people etc. Off the back of that I get to decide “yay” or “nay” and then the real negotiating starts with regards to responsibilities and pay, accommodation and travel etc etc. The only issue I have with this is that I have to be at my office by 6.30am to be picked up!! I do not appreciate this in the slightest but I would pick a mine that’s over 230km away!

The good news is that Nat and Mary are visiting for the weekend, most people reading this won’t have a clue who they are but they’re two friends from school. Nat was actually my best mate for 6 of the 7yrs and I haven’t seen her since NYE 2005 so good times all round. I’ve got a few things planned including a wine tour up the Hunter Valley, this is a 9-5 coach trip involving lots of wine, cheese and chocolate :D All for a bargain price of $50 too so I really can’t complain. The BBQ that’s rusting away on my balcony is getting a clean too and kangaroo steaks are on the menu. Not to mention that my flat is cleaner than it’s been in months as I’ve hoovered, mopped and scrubbed both bedrooms, both bathrooms and both balconies as well as the kitchen/diner!

That’s about it for now, there will be plenty of pictures and hopefully a few tales to tell on Monday but if anything crops up during the week I’ll try to keep my avid fans satisfied**.

** Who am I trying to kid???

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