21 February 2009

Links in the chain...

Alright cus I’m incredibly bored at work here are some links to some completely BRILLIANT sites that keep me amused… However I’m going to chuck in a disclaimer first:

These links are to sites that make me laugh, they are in no way meant to convey a hidden meaning or give any insight into my mindset. They are not meant to be a ‘dig’ at anyone reading this blog or anyone else for that matter. I really am just bored at work.

Yeh so enjoy!


“You can’t control me.
Hoar? Hoar-No, I wont kill her.
Mother you must die”

“My embarrassment
is not that I dated you,
actually it is.”


“there used to be a note above the sink that said “NOT YOUR MAMA,” but it was replaced with these gems, both of which sort of creep me out (and neither of which has ameliorated the dirty dish issue).”
"What's really, truly fabulous is that a 49 year old was planning a party that necessitated balloons. Did he troll the local playgrounds for his guest list? On second thought, maybe that was the problem with the lack of guests - all the mommies and daddies found out."


“You're like cling wrap around me, but what you need to realize is that I am not a vegetable and your clinginess is unbearable. All that nagging of yours worked, assuming your intent was to get rid of me. What really breaks the deal is your horrible grammar. Srsly d00d, learn 2 rite a sentance! Why are you so boring? I've seen rocks that are more interesting than you. I'm sure we'll see each other again, if you're ok with it. I think you get the idea: this relationship is over. Fuck off for ever”

So read away people and enjoy… don’t forget to read the comments on passiveaggressivenotes as they’re what makes it so funny.

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