13 February 2009

25 Things

Here’s that ridiculous 25 things thing…. Maybe if I write it and tag a load of people they’ll leave me alone… or maybe not. Maybe there will be a never ending self-perpetuating cycle of stupid fucking notes going around Facebook. Don’t scoff, it happened to MySpazz and it can happen here so be careful how much you spam lest a similar fate befall FB.

1. I very, very rarely fill these things out.
2. I don’t even read them 90% of the time when they’re sent to me.
3. I’m doing this to kill time at work
4. I hate my job
5. I hate most of the people I work with
6. I hate waiting to start a new job
7. I will love my new job (I’m psychic, see?)
8. My new job means moving 230km away from the friends I’ve taken 6 months to make after moving 12,000 miles away from the friends it took me a whole lifetime to make.
9. Very little about me worth reading will get written here.
10. If you really want to know what it is that is worth knowing about me then make the fucking effort and ask me yourself.
11. I quit smoking for the 4th time in 6 months this morning.
12. I really want a cigarette.
13. I can’t afford cigarettes.
14. I want a pay rise so I can afford cigarettes
15. And a gym membership
16. And a motorbike
17. I miss a lot of people from home
18. I don’t miss YOU, get over yourself!
19. Just kidding, of course I miss YOU, just not YOU.
20. I have made some pretty elementary mistakes and done some pretty stupid things in both the recent past and a long time ago.
21. I never have and probably never will stop feeling like I have to make up for these real or imaginary slights.
22. I’m struggling to think of another 3 points.
23. I’m hoping I’ll be given a second chance.
24. I missed tattoos off the list of things I want a pay rise for.
25. I’m a very lonely, sad man who is growing old far away.

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