13 February 2009

Ooh stick you, ya momma too, and your daddy!

Yeh so that line just popped into head, I figure it can stay. The weekend was awesome, Nat and Mary got here late (typical bloody women) and we headed straight to the bar I always go to on a Friday. There we met up with a veritable gang, including Nick’s new love interest and Ashleigh’s little sister. Lots of alcohol later and we three Poms trekked back to my place and sat on the balcony til 1am chatting and catching up on the last 4 yrs.

Saturday was a lovely early start to get to the pick-up point for the wine tour. I will admit to having a slight hangover which wasn’t helped by the buses air-con breaking down on us before we even got to the first winery. Anyway, without boring you with too much detail we ended up having to be ferried about and changing buses a few times til they got us a working one. We visited 4-5 wineries and a pub and had a great time. Bronwyn and her bloke Joel came with us too so we had a merry old time. We visited Lindeman’s and McGuians so it wasn’t just randomers. The weather was excessively hot… well over 40 degrees all day and not a breath of wind. We had a great driver who stopped off at a bottle shop and Hungry Jacks on the way back so we had beer and burgers for the journey. Then he gave us a guided tour of the Newcastle beaches for Nat and Mary’s benefit before taking us all to a pub where the drinking continued. We bailed at about 8pm but I’m told the rest kept drinking til 11.30! We made friends with a crazy couple who were newly wed but absolutely mental, so might see them again with a bit of luck.

Sunday we got a lie in finally, though we again stayed up til 1am chatting so still feeling pretty wrecked we went off for a BBQ in a park overlooking the beach. Ash, Wayne and Di came along and again it was a really nice afternoon. We went swimming in the “bogie hole” which used to be the British Commander’s personal swimming pool! He had it cut out of the rock by convicts and now it’s open to the public. On the way over I gave the girls a mini-tour of Newcastle and we climbed the giant penis (look at the pics; you’ll see what I mean!). Then they buggered off back to Sydney and here I am, writing to myself again.

I don’t know if the pics will end up in this post or the next one but pics there will be… my facebook is the best place to check them out…

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