26 February 2009

Fuck, fuckity fucker.

Yeh so I got told today that I can't move for at least another week because the estate agents and my finance department are having issues over deposits and invoices so no contract. Then the chief engineer basically told me to hurry the fuck up and get down there ASAP. So the bright fucking spark in HR emails me with "maybe you should go into a motel until it's sorted". NO SHIT SHERLOCK! That's exactly what I suggested 3weeks ago and spent two weeks trying to persuade her to do but no, she waits until people start getting shitty before she gets her arse in gear. So now I'm waiting for even more authorisation/paperwork/inter-departmental-warfare to happen before that's sorted. FUCK! If they'd given me the cash and a signed letter from my boss I could have been living down there 24hrs after confirming I had the job!

So you could say I'm a wee bit hacked off atm but luckily I have the pleasure of cleaning my entire flat tonight to look forward to. They kindly forgot to tell me when the "open house" for my flat is... 4.45pm tomorrow as it happens. So I have a lovely evening to look forward to.

Oh and both of the Newcastle Uni freshers events are on Fridays... as it's a 5hr train journey from Picton to Newcastle I doubt I'm going to be able to finish work at the mine and get back here in time to shower/change and go party. FUCK.

I am actually saving some good news for the end though: MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE ARE PLAYING IN SYDNEY IN APRIL!!! I will be going, no doubt about it. It's even worth the $90 ticket price + train far and drinks.

A review of Soundwave is coming up, honest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have to tell me everything!

good luck with the cleaning...
im still trying to clean for when my mates are down on monday...