26 February 2009

Fuck, fuckity fucker.

Yeh so I got told today that I can't move for at least another week because the estate agents and my finance department are having issues over deposits and invoices so no contract. Then the chief engineer basically told me to hurry the fuck up and get down there ASAP. So the bright fucking spark in HR emails me with "maybe you should go into a motel until it's sorted". NO SHIT SHERLOCK! That's exactly what I suggested 3weeks ago and spent two weeks trying to persuade her to do but no, she waits until people start getting shitty before she gets her arse in gear. So now I'm waiting for even more authorisation/paperwork/inter-departmental-warfare to happen before that's sorted. FUCK! If they'd given me the cash and a signed letter from my boss I could have been living down there 24hrs after confirming I had the job!

So you could say I'm a wee bit hacked off atm but luckily I have the pleasure of cleaning my entire flat tonight to look forward to. They kindly forgot to tell me when the "open house" for my flat is... 4.45pm tomorrow as it happens. So I have a lovely evening to look forward to.

Oh and both of the Newcastle Uni freshers events are on Fridays... as it's a 5hr train journey from Picton to Newcastle I doubt I'm going to be able to finish work at the mine and get back here in time to shower/change and go party. FUCK.

I am actually saving some good news for the end though: MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE ARE PLAYING IN SYDNEY IN APRIL!!! I will be going, no doubt about it. It's even worth the $90 ticket price + train far and drinks.

A review of Soundwave is coming up, honest.

21 February 2009

Mosh on my friends

Soundwave tomorrow... fuck yes!

Lamb of God, The Bloodhound Gang, NIN, In Flames, Billy Talent, Less Than Jake, Funeral For A Friend, Devildriver and The Subways to name but a few...

There shall be beer, music and moshing not to mention copious amounts of Joy :D

Links in the chain...

Alright cus I’m incredibly bored at work here are some links to some completely BRILLIANT sites that keep me amused… However I’m going to chuck in a disclaimer first:

These links are to sites that make me laugh, they are in no way meant to convey a hidden meaning or give any insight into my mindset. They are not meant to be a ‘dig’ at anyone reading this blog or anyone else for that matter. I really am just bored at work.

Yeh so enjoy!


“You can’t control me.
Hoar? Hoar-No, I wont kill her.
Mother you must die”

“My embarrassment
is not that I dated you,
actually it is.”


“there used to be a note above the sink that said “NOT YOUR MAMA,” but it was replaced with these gems, both of which sort of creep me out (and neither of which has ameliorated the dirty dish issue).”
"What's really, truly fabulous is that a 49 year old was planning a party that necessitated balloons. Did he troll the local playgrounds for his guest list? On second thought, maybe that was the problem with the lack of guests - all the mommies and daddies found out."


“You're like cling wrap around me, but what you need to realize is that I am not a vegetable and your clinginess is unbearable. All that nagging of yours worked, assuming your intent was to get rid of me. What really breaks the deal is your horrible grammar. Srsly d00d, learn 2 rite a sentance! Why are you so boring? I've seen rocks that are more interesting than you. I'm sure we'll see each other again, if you're ok with it. I think you get the idea: this relationship is over. Fuck off for ever”

So read away people and enjoy… don’t forget to read the comments on passiveaggressivenotes as they’re what makes it so funny.

13 February 2009

3rd Post

Yeh this is my third (count em!) post today cus I've got a bit to catch up on. This week has been incredibly frustrating. I've had a few minor successes but plenty of major setbacks. I was meant to be starting my new job on Monday but now I'm not. I don't know when I will. I just want to come home and forget the last 7 months.

I'm not going to be back in time for Download so I'm going to miss the best lineup they've had since 2005 (which I missed). This means I may never see several of my favorite bands live and it'll be another year before I get to see the northern monkeys a.k.a. wil and company.

I'm on a proper downer right now but I'm going to the pub tonight for a few farewell drinks with the Newcastle people I've become friends with. Knowing my luck I'll still be here next Friday and I'll look a right tit.

So on the positive side.... oh wait... damn.

25 Things

Here’s that ridiculous 25 things thing…. Maybe if I write it and tag a load of people they’ll leave me alone… or maybe not. Maybe there will be a never ending self-perpetuating cycle of stupid fucking notes going around Facebook. Don’t scoff, it happened to MySpazz and it can happen here so be careful how much you spam lest a similar fate befall FB.

1. I very, very rarely fill these things out.
2. I don’t even read them 90% of the time when they’re sent to me.
3. I’m doing this to kill time at work
4. I hate my job
5. I hate most of the people I work with
6. I hate waiting to start a new job
7. I will love my new job (I’m psychic, see?)
8. My new job means moving 230km away from the friends I’ve taken 6 months to make after moving 12,000 miles away from the friends it took me a whole lifetime to make.
9. Very little about me worth reading will get written here.
10. If you really want to know what it is that is worth knowing about me then make the fucking effort and ask me yourself.
11. I quit smoking for the 4th time in 6 months this morning.
12. I really want a cigarette.
13. I can’t afford cigarettes.
14. I want a pay rise so I can afford cigarettes
15. And a gym membership
16. And a motorbike
17. I miss a lot of people from home
18. I don’t miss YOU, get over yourself!
19. Just kidding, of course I miss YOU, just not YOU.
20. I have made some pretty elementary mistakes and done some pretty stupid things in both the recent past and a long time ago.
21. I never have and probably never will stop feeling like I have to make up for these real or imaginary slights.
22. I’m struggling to think of another 3 points.
23. I’m hoping I’ll be given a second chance.
24. I missed tattoos off the list of things I want a pay rise for.
25. I’m a very lonely, sad man who is growing old far away.

Ooh stick you, ya momma too, and your daddy!

Yeh so that line just popped into head, I figure it can stay. The weekend was awesome, Nat and Mary got here late (typical bloody women) and we headed straight to the bar I always go to on a Friday. There we met up with a veritable gang, including Nick’s new love interest and Ashleigh’s little sister. Lots of alcohol later and we three Poms trekked back to my place and sat on the balcony til 1am chatting and catching up on the last 4 yrs.

Saturday was a lovely early start to get to the pick-up point for the wine tour. I will admit to having a slight hangover which wasn’t helped by the buses air-con breaking down on us before we even got to the first winery. Anyway, without boring you with too much detail we ended up having to be ferried about and changing buses a few times til they got us a working one. We visited 4-5 wineries and a pub and had a great time. Bronwyn and her bloke Joel came with us too so we had a merry old time. We visited Lindeman’s and McGuians so it wasn’t just randomers. The weather was excessively hot… well over 40 degrees all day and not a breath of wind. We had a great driver who stopped off at a bottle shop and Hungry Jacks on the way back so we had beer and burgers for the journey. Then he gave us a guided tour of the Newcastle beaches for Nat and Mary’s benefit before taking us all to a pub where the drinking continued. We bailed at about 8pm but I’m told the rest kept drinking til 11.30! We made friends with a crazy couple who were newly wed but absolutely mental, so might see them again with a bit of luck.

Sunday we got a lie in finally, though we again stayed up til 1am chatting so still feeling pretty wrecked we went off for a BBQ in a park overlooking the beach. Ash, Wayne and Di came along and again it was a really nice afternoon. We went swimming in the “bogie hole” which used to be the British Commander’s personal swimming pool! He had it cut out of the rock by convicts and now it’s open to the public. On the way over I gave the girls a mini-tour of Newcastle and we climbed the giant penis (look at the pics; you’ll see what I mean!). Then they buggered off back to Sydney and here I am, writing to myself again.

I don’t know if the pics will end up in this post or the next one but pics there will be… my facebook is the best place to check them out…

4 February 2009

Early starts, meetings and welcome visitors...

Well this whole changing jobs malarkey is a right royal pain in the arse. I’ve been bounced around between half a dozen people for the last few days trying to sort out what the chuff is happening and I think it’s becoming clearer. I’m going down to the mine on Friday for a meeting with the boss to discuss the tender for the machines (not my problem) and to find out about the job and what I’d be doing, have a look around and meet the people etc. Off the back of that I get to decide “yay” or “nay” and then the real negotiating starts with regards to responsibilities and pay, accommodation and travel etc etc. The only issue I have with this is that I have to be at my office by 6.30am to be picked up!! I do not appreciate this in the slightest but I would pick a mine that’s over 230km away!

The good news is that Nat and Mary are visiting for the weekend, most people reading this won’t have a clue who they are but they’re two friends from school. Nat was actually my best mate for 6 of the 7yrs and I haven’t seen her since NYE 2005 so good times all round. I’ve got a few things planned including a wine tour up the Hunter Valley, this is a 9-5 coach trip involving lots of wine, cheese and chocolate :D All for a bargain price of $50 too so I really can’t complain. The BBQ that’s rusting away on my balcony is getting a clean too and kangaroo steaks are on the menu. Not to mention that my flat is cleaner than it’s been in months as I’ve hoovered, mopped and scrubbed both bedrooms, both bathrooms and both balconies as well as the kitchen/diner!

That’s about it for now, there will be plenty of pictures and hopefully a few tales to tell on Monday but if anything crops up during the week I’ll try to keep my avid fans satisfied**.

** Who am I trying to kid???