3 December 2008

Sunny Side Up

Hmmmm, 35 degrees in December, something's different??? It's baking here and poor ickle wobbie-woo is actually looking forward to getting back to cold, wet England and bundling up in layers rather than sweating even with the aircon on.

Oh on that note, I may have failed to mention that I'm coming back to England for Xmas :D The company is flying all three of us back to the UK and I managed to blag my supervisor into a signing a leave form which gave me an entire month off!! That means I should be in the UK from the 19th Dec to the 15/16th Jan. Friggin awesome. I'll be heading straight back down to Fal from Gatwick to go to a gig then home for a few days before (probably) going back to Fal for New Year and staying there til the 13/14th.

There's even more good news: I'm currently working on a fairly interesting project which is a survey of every single underground coal mine in NSW, QLD and NZ (more fun than it sounds, honest!) and my boss is trying to get me involved with a geotechnical engineer who is trying to revolutionise the roofbolting in coal mines... that means extra pay for me, lots of travellling, lots of field work underground AND the company is going to pay for me to get my car license :D So right now, things are looking pretty rosy, can anyone spot the elephant in the room?


Laura Hough said...

there is no elephant

RTC said...

Have you read "the last lecture"? If you have then you'd be right, there is no elephant. If not then read it.

Anonymous said...

that is fucking awsome!