10 December 2008

In The Loop?

So I’ve decided to go about this blogging thing a slightly different way, this is mainly down to the fact that I’m bored to tears at work and partially due to my guilt over not posting regularly. Until I get bored of this too I’m going to be writing the next few entries at work over the course of the day then adding them to my blog at night.

I’m writing this at work on my 5th consecutive day of doing fuck all. This is because I’m waiting for my boss to give me some information and I’m still waiting. Bearing in mind that I can’t continue with my project without it and he said he’d give it to me 2wks ago. My days now consist of copious amounts of hot, caffeinated beverages interspersed with emails to my boss asking for info and the gaps are filled with browsing the internet for anything remotely interesting. I spend my afternoons chatting on Skype to the two guys in Perth about just how bored and unmotivated all three of us are and that’s about the highlight of my day.

The fucking bitch a.k.a. “S” from an earlier post had the temerity to tell me to get off the internet last week or I’d be sacked for misuse! The fact that my research project is internet based obviously bypassed her and I won’t go into the sweet, sweet irony that she told me this over the office I.M. system… On that note the stupid cow still refuses to talk to me even though we sit about 5m away from each other and are both often participants in the same conversation! I even helped her out with getting a clothes washer for her new flat by showing her how to use www.freecycle.com.au but again, she had to direct her comments through a third party. It’s like being back at school but without having hundreds of other girls to perve on while ignoring her….

Because anyone walking around the office can see my computer screen I have to pretend to be doing something but I gave up on that two days ago when I got fed up of the comments from other people about me not doing anything. If they know I’m not working then I can’t be arsed to pretend. For some reason I’m not doing any drafting anymore and I don’t have a fucking clue why. I was working on a pretty complex diagram last week and one of the guys just came over and told me to save it and then he took away the paper copies I was working from and told me to get on with something else! Since then no-one has even suggested I go near a drawing which is odd seeing as they’re all rushing around manically. I either did a really shit job or my boss told them I had to concentrate on this research, it beats me. They constantly have meetings that I’m not invited to so I can safely say that I’m not just ‘out of the loop’; I’m a million miles away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If you've nothing to do then at least pretend you're busy"

"Why don't YOU pretend I'm busy and fuck off whilst your doing it?"