30 November 2008

Beach Parties and Drunken Texting...

One is fucking amazing, the other fucking embarrassing... wanna guess which one's which?

Went to a beach party up at Newcastle Uni last night, they dumped 140tons of sand outside the SU, added 4 stages, some amazing hip-hop and rock bands, chucked in a load of booze and let the party begin! I have never seen live hip-hop before and I'm not exactly a fan of the genre but fuck, these guys were good! Then the Getaway Plan came on and again I'm not a fan but they blew me away. They got the whole crowd going crazy for 40mins, felt like I was back at Download. Then after being bored to tears by the Beatiful Girls (shit, boring, wankers) we headed inside to finish the night with more hip-hop type music. I managed to get completely plastered by about 8pm (it started at 3.30) and following Nick's lead started trying to chat up anything roughly female in the immediate vicinity... I should have listened when he said that Aussie girls are hard work! Didn't stop me having a wicked time even though I think I was turned down more times in one night than I ever have been in my whole life!

So after that we headed back to Nick's and because there were 6000 people all leaving the uni I didn't have a snowball-in-hell's chance of getting a taxi back to mine and I slept on his sofa. Not before getting his housemates number (success at last!) and sending two stupid (not sleazy, just stupid) txts as I slowly passed out... Hopefully she was too drunk and deleted them, yeh right. Even more so I hope she doesn't know I tried the same little trick with her other housemate 2wks ago and got soundly denied. Can't blame a guy for trying eh?

So there you go, beach parties = fucking amazing, drunken texting = fucking embarrassing. I'll let you decide which one you want to indulge in...


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you had a good time. you deserve it. maybe safer for you to avoid texting when drunk. in my experience.

Anonymous said...

lol drunk txting is my downfall...
i just cant help myself

Anonymous said...

sounds a great laugh and would have loved to have joined you :D!!

Anonymous said...

JOker- sounds like it was a sweet night- it doesn't count as a good night unless you vommit or drunk text- lol