14 December 2008

Another Day, Another Job Offer...

Sooo I had a meeting on Friday with the Group Engineer for one of the biggest international coal mining companies (let's call them "X" if that isn't too big a clue). They've just bought an absolute nightmare of a mine south of Sydney and they want to buy more than $10m of our machines. In order to stop the machines being destroyed within weeks they need a complete overhaul of the processes at the mine. This is where I'd come in, the engineers currently in place are working 24/7 just to keep the place running, they have no time to plan these changes or even think about how they'd use completely different, brand new machinery instead of the half dozen wrecks they have atm. I'd be underground for several months and would look at every single process in the mine from shift patterns, cutting cycles, development, ventilation etc which would be the best possible experience I could get for my 3rd year. This place has rock falls, outbursts, water, massive levels of CO and methane, bad ground, you name it they've got it! They mine under a railway, under a river and a town! There are very few mines where you can experience every problem and danger facing a mine in just one place! Unfortunately the guy I spoke to can't just hire me, my resume which I bodged together the night before has to go to "X" HR department who may say no or even assign me to a totally different project... God knows how this will work with the fact that I'm still employed by my current company and I don't want to even think about the complications it could cause for my visa... The simplest way would be to just hire me as a contractor from my current company but it's all up in the air.

The long and the short of it is that I'm assuming that this isn't going to happen. This is the third grand scheme they've tried to get me involved with since I got here and the first two have fallen through so I'm not getting my hopes up. Would be an incredible thing to put on my CV if I did get it though, not to mention the 5,000 word report I have to do... apparently I could fill that with just the introduction on this mine!

Sooo apart from that... I got nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds fun!!!
well i wish you good luck!
but i can do that in person soon!!!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! cant fucking wait!