4 December 2008

Busy like a busy-busy-bee...

I've just had an Epiphany: I really quite like Australia. If I could fly my mates and some decent beer (seriously, it's fucking terrible) over here than I could probably be quite happy. As it is I can't wait to have that month in the UK, without it I couldn't hack staying out here til June (mainly due to lack of decent beer ;P).

In other news: I went to the Sydney motorbike show last weekend as can be seen by my facebook pics... It was pretty damn good. Lots of sexy motorbikes, the odd sexy woman and I finally bought myself a pair of thing summer riding gloves after putting it off for 3yrs. They were a bargain at $30 too, about 12 quid.

I'm also negotiating things like internet access etc with the HR people atm, it pisses me off they didn't sort it out 3 months ago but better late than never...

Oh and I'm certain that Aussies really, really, really don't 'get' my sense of humour. Especially not where I work. The admin girl got angry with me the other day when she failed to realise that I was taking the piss and it's probably the 10th time someone has taken me at face value when they really shouldn't. Sarcasm and irony seem to be enigmas to them, I just get a blank look or a strained smile. God knows what they think of this blog...I know you're out there... ;D

Because it wouldn't be an RTC blog if it didn't have a rant somewhere:

FUCKING BUSES ARE SHIT! I had to wait over an hour outside work because the bus didn't turn up today. Not only do I have to spend 2hrs a day on the moron-infesting wankmobiles but they turn up late and actually charge for the privilege! Not to mention that any vaguely attractive female seems to avoid them like the plague so I can't even distract myself with a bit of good 'ol' perving.
To be fair today it was because the first bus got taken out by a lorry then the relief bus got hit by a car... but that's not the point. They're still fucking shit. Here's an open letter to the lorry/car drivers:

Dear Sir/Madam/window-licker,

Your are a complete cunt. Thanks to your sheer stupidity at not being able to avoid a FUCKING BUS! I had to wait out in the dust and flies for just over an hour. Had you been present there would have been multiple homicides. I hate you.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

see its not all that bad...
i loved your letter at the end tho!!
complete rob!