10 December 2008

I Should Have Known…

The really cool geotechnical project that could revolutionise roof support is not just in the planning stages, it hasn’t even been approved yet. I spoke to the guy running it and apparently they won’t be in a position to even think about starting it until late February at the earliest. Seeing as they need someone for 12months and I’m leaving in June… If I did start working on it I’d be around long enough to do shit loads of background reading and do the boring-assed labwork before someone else would have to takeover and do all the fun site visits and field trials. That’s juuust great. So assuming I’m stupid enough to still agree to do it then I have another 2-3 months of being bored out of my skull before it starts.

In other news my boss has kindly arranged a meeting for me with a representative of one of the biggest coal mining companies in Oz. For 7.30am on Friday… WTF??? Starting work that early should be illegal never mind the fact that the earliest bus I can catch won’t get me here before 7.35. The last thing I want is to be late for something like that. At least after that meeting I’ve only got another 20-25 different companies to contact, at this rate I might have done 6-7 by the time I come back to the UK in June.

Speaking of which, I’M COMING HOME IN 8 DAYS!!! WOOOOOOOOO!

I’ve got my tickets for the Sydney-Dubai-Gatwick flights and I’ve booked my flights from Gatwick to Plymouth so I should be back in Falmouth approx 9pm on Friday the 19th. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be coming back to the UK, even if it is just for a month. Party party party :D


Laura Hough said...
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Laura Hough said...

hope the horrendously early meeting went well!!