2 October 2008

Hotter than Natalie Portman in a pool of jelly...

It's hot! 30-34 degrees and not a breath of wind...not the most comfortable I've been, especially with a dodgy air-con unit. The weekend should be good if I don't get too burnt, got 3-days thanks to Labour Day so gonna spend most of it in town at one or several of the beaches.

I might have finally got my new apartment sorted after a fucking mess this morning. The woman who was meant to be helping me threw a paddy and sent a whinging e-mail to her boss then he sent a whinging e-mail to HR in Brisbane and my boss' PA which she then forwarded to me so I could tell her what had happened. A couple of hours and many e-mails later they finally got a letter sent to the rental agent and the first weeks deposit paid so fingers crossed I can move in next weds the 8th :D:D:D:D That makes me really fucking happy cus the staff here are so damn rude! I just went in to ask for some binbags so I could empty my bin and you'd think I asked for a platinum-coated hoover! The attitude in there sucks! I know they have a shitty job but a bit of customer service never hurt a soul. Not to mention the attitude I got when I told them I had friggin cockroaches running around my kitchen! $110 a night and still fucking cockroaches!

On a lighter note I had a crackin time last night, went to the pub for a meal and quiz, there was just four of us but had a fun time. I think it was just having some human interaction that made me feel so much better, that and the 4-5 pints of oh-so-fizzy beer. I got some strange looks and a comment from a barman because I drink pints...out here a pint is served in an old-fashioned "handle" and a normal serving is a "schooner" which looks like a UK pint glass but is only 300ml... I calmly pointed out that in the UK only women and wimps drink half-pints and that it's $3 cheaper to get a pint than 2 schooners.

So apart from that not done much, the new office is pretty cool except they're not a very chatty bunch...there can be 2hrs where no-one says a word. As soon as they get on a break you can't shut them up! I got trapped by a girl from accounts who just fucking talked at me for about 10mins when all I wanted to do was go back inside!

That is all...comment bitches!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cockroaches wont hurt you mate, the big ones usually live outdoors, its the friggen german bastards you dont want in your home.

I dont think I have seen anyone else on expats thats in newie. Im in raymond terrace ghetto.
Check alien art tattoo's in mayfield, he's not a freaky biker type fella, hes a cool guy, mark's his name, his old man was an art teacher and is a pommie.
If you do go see him, mention neil the red dragon fella, he will know me for sure......