21 October 2008

Some People...

Are fucking morons.

One of the apprentices at work needs to be put down, seriously. Our convo this afternoon was a little like this:

RTC: so in the materials listing is it a block or a sheet?

Moron: a sheet

RTC: It looks too thick for a sheet...

Moron: it's a block of course

RTC: so I enter it as a block?

Moron: no, it's obviously a sheet.
*goes off into a mumbling 5min explanation of why a block 50x50x90mm should be a sheet not a block*

Fuck-me-sideways that was a painful conversation! It must have dragged on for another 20mins with the moron throwing in needless explanations of irrelevant bollocks and contradicting himself everytime he spoke. Unfortunately as he was meant to be showing me the ropes I just had to grit my teeth and breath deeply.

Other than that work has been fairly good for the last 2-3 days. I've finally got my own desk and PC so I have been cracking on with some real work; drafting, detailing etc. My boss is hunting down a laptop for me and now I've got my SGS card I can be sent underground... should be a trip to Ulan Coal in the next week or so. The pretty, blonde admin girl spent 20mins rounding me up a bunch of stationary today too...fuck knows why! She asked me if anyone had given me any pens (wtf?) and when I said no she promptly dissapeared and returned 10mins later with an armful of pens/pencils/sharpeners/rulers/post-it-notes/cellotape/you-name-it-it-was-there. I know I should never turn free stationary but it seems slightly pointless as I'm working in the design office and 99.9% of everyone's work is done on a PC but heyho! I even have my own desk calendar so I can count the days til I leave...joy!

The weathers been pretty weird here this week, was scorching on sunday, I managed to get a wee bit of sunburn on the beach (bloody hurts) then a few hours later we had spectacular storms with sheet lightning and the loudest thunder I've ever heard. The same again last night too... I love having a balcony I can stand on and watch the storm head out to sea.

2wks til my birthday...hmmm. Not so sure about this one. I don't actually have a key for my postbox atm so any mail I get might not be picked up for a couple of weeks... I don't have a clue what'll happen with parcels (yeh I know I'm getting at least 2 so there!) so that should be interesting. I think I'm gonna have a 22nd/flatwarming party on the 7th and invite everyone I've met and some randoms lol. Few crates of beer, snacks and I might even fire up the mahoosive gas BBQ if the weather is good.

Talking about food: Mum, you'd be proud, I actually boiled down a chicken carcass and made soup from scratch like we used to have at home... carrots, celery, lentils, herbs etc etc all boiled for about 2 days til I ended up with a damn fine tasting chicken 'n''veg soup/stew. Tonight it's beef stroganoff, I've found cooking properly keeps me occupied and stops me spending cash on crap like pizza/maccy-d's. Gonna marinate me some steaks too and have a proper BBQ one weekend.

Right, I've been writing so long I don't have a clue what I've said and what still needs to be written down. Ummm... I've sent some postcards out to a few people, more on the way...my english phone is busted so if you need me use (+61) 429 912 214... I miss all of you so fucking leave comments you CUNTS!!!



Anonymous said...

I want your address please gayface!

Love youuu xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of work. Can't believe you're complaining about anything when you're in Aus soaking up the sun and most of us are in the rain, with leaking roofs and bitch hard exams to deal with....can you surf yet? Take it easy