7 October 2008


So this weekend was a complete waste of time...almost entirely due to the fact that I didn't get any further than the shops across the road.

After going for drinks and a meal on Friday night with people from work I slept in on Saturday which wrote off the day completely. There's been a fuck-up with paying for my cabs to work and back so I'm paying for them atm then claiming it back on expenses...wouldn't be a problem except I earn about $60 a day and the cabs cost $80. This means I chewed through my last paycheque and am now spending my motorbike money. So basically I don't feel able to spend any money that's not entirely neccessary just incase I end up not having the cash to get to work. I know I'll get it all back in 2wks but it's not much fun. Over here the shops all shut at 1pm-ish on a Saturday, few open on Sunday and then 1pm again today cus of the public holiday. So sleeping in all 3 days has meant I haven't been able to get into town before the shops shut. Not to mention that the buses stop stupidly early on Sundays/public holidays and I can't afford a cab.

Which leads me nicely on to the whole reason(s) I needed to go into town...

Passport Pics: very few places have the machines so need to hunt for one.
Visa: once i've got the pics need to post the forms.
Postcards: got quite a few to post to people.
Lighter: got to go to the tobacconist to get the flint sorted on my petrol lighter.
Books: really need something to fill the time.

Yeh I haven't even posted my visa forms off yet...can't do til I find a passport pic machine and they're like rocking horse shit over here! The best bit is that having a full time job means I can't get them done til next weekend now... am getting shit off my boss every day about the forms but there's nowt I can do.

Now for something totally different... Got a really weird call yesterday to the phone in my flat...was from a security company that monitors alarms, turns out there was an alarm at the company office in Hexham. That in itself isn't strange but they had my name down as a keyholder!! Fuck knows why they had my name and number (I haven't given ANYONE that number, I don't even know it!) but let alone having me down as a keyholder! I checked that he meant our office and the bloke was pretty adamant so all I could do was give him my managers number and hope it got sorted. Will see if there's any fall out tomorrow cus the guy could have been a crackpot for all I knew. I'll have to speak to my boss and ask him if I did right lol.

Speaking of tomorrow I can see it being a really shit day. I've been using a desk belonging to a guy who is away for the last week and he's back tomorrow so I need a new desk. There's a few empty ones in the office but.... no computers! So unless they can find me one I'm gonna end uo doing nothing as it's all 3D design work in that office. Also need to make double sure that my boss signs my accomodation contract and gets it back to the agency ASAP so they can get the keys ready for me to move in on Weds morning... if not I'm gonna have to spend another night here...might kill myself lol. Then expenses...must have spent $200-300 on taxis in the last week!

Yeh so I'm gonna stop whinging now...apart from to say that the weather has been complete shit here for the last 3 days too...pissing rain and cold :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

geeze boy your never happy!!!
u complain its too hot then complain its too wet....
hope all gets sorted soon!
and i hope one of theose postcards are for me!!!