27 October 2008


are also fucking morons! Yes I'm still harping on about the moron but this time it's slightly more specific. He may be tall, blonde and good looking but the guy is slower than the tectonic plates and has fuck-all in the way of conversational abilities, this doesn't seem to bother the women in the office. Every last one of them goes up to him when they come in the office and stands there giggling in that oh-so-fucking-irritating way, twirling their hair and blushing. I can't believe they spend so much time and effort flirting with a bloke who could barely pass a yr6 SATS exam! If he wasn't in the same office I probably wouldn't have even noticed let alone cared but I'm getting mighty sick of hearing said oh-so-fucking-irritating giggling especially when I'm trying to do some work and he can't even give me the most basic instructions without me questioning him for 10mins to make sure he's told me the right thing.

On other, slightly less vitriolic news, I have nothing to say. Did bugger all over the weekend and shall probably carry on doing the same for the foreseeable future. Nught get some photos up before the weekend....


Anonymous said...

we aint all fucking morons....
just chiilllllll!

Anonymous said...

prove it!