29 September 2008

All Change

God last weekend was boring... went to the mining expo on Friday and it was a washout. Was almost entirely small firms advertising services rather than any of the big players, they were obviously too caught up with the Las Vegas expo. I did get to chat to a couple of vendors, one was an Englishman who graduated from CSM 30yrs ago! One thing that pissed me off was the sheer ambivalence of a lot of the vendors, I tried to talk to a few and they just couldn't be arsed! Several couldn't even tell me what their companies did and what services they provided! I did get a few ideas for my dissertation though, we'll see where that goes in about 6 months.
I spent the rest of the day taking the pictures shown below and spent Saturday on the beach chilling out with a book. There's a book shop that has a massive stall where you get 5 books for $25 (£12) so I've bought 10 so far! Can see that being a regular stop for me. Sunday was too windy to go to the beach so went slightly stir-crazy in my apartment flitting between the internet, crappy tv and a really bad book.

I've had an interesting day today because I got into work this morning and was immediately told I was being moved to a different site! Was picked up by another English guy who's been here 15yrs, he works in the draughtsmen office and that's where I'm going to be for the next few weeks, doing 3D CAD work which is a damn sight more interesting than what I have been doing. The office I'm in has about 10 other people and *shock* *horror* a fair few of them are quite young and there's even two women! Looking forward to working there so we'll see how tomorrow works out. The only downside is that it's 2x as far from where I'm staying as the other office so could take me up to 45mins to get to work and back.

The only remotely interesting thing happening this week is a meal and pub quiz on wednesday night with a few people from the Hexham office...hopefully that'll be a good night and if not the meals are only $10 for a steak dinner so I can't really complain!

Let me know how you're doing people...comment away or Facebook me...it's bloody lonely out here!

1 comment:

Simon & Angela Starr said...

Hi Rob

Just letting you know we keep reading your page - and think of you.......

Keep up the reporting, lol :-)