11 October 2008

New Flat...No Internet

So I moved into the new flat on Wednesday, it's wicked but I can't put the pics up yet as am in an internet cafe... Will be getting wireless sorted asap. I've got a spare bedroom with its own balcony so those of you wanting to come stay start looking at flights!

I'm only 15mins walk from the centre of the city centre (??) and within 2mins walk I've got a 24hr supermarket with a bundle of other shops, a metal pub, 4/5 other pubs, 3 tattoo shops, 2 "adult" shops, a strip club and a brothel!! The area is half scummy half brand new and people keep telling me not to go out at night alone but so far I've out after dark every night and barely seen anyone, let alone anyone who poses a threat.

I can actually go and socialise of an evening now, there's a second metal pub about 15mins away, went there last night and watched 3 quality metal bands. Will be going back there tonight as they have 3 more bands and the atmosphere is great there as well as having the cheapest beer I've found yet.

I've finally sorted my motorbike training out, am booked in on the 4/5th of November so can go and celebrate my birthday in style after passing the training :D Looking at getting a CBR250 or ZXR-250 maybe...we'll have to see what's around when I get my license.

Hope everything's going well back in England, freshers seems to be going pretty well, I'm gutted I'm missing out but meh...

Oh and I know Gary Hughes was back at CSM recruiting mining engineers for this year out next year...my advice is go for it!! Even if you're not sure just apply for it and have an interview. It's been pretty awesome so far (this blog makes it sound bad cus I like to whinge!) and you'll have a wicked time as well as learning shit loads about the industry.

Stay safe...


Anonymous said...

good boy! socialising is a great thingy! im sooo proud of u!!!!
u best not replace us lot tho!!!
sounds like a great flat tho!!!

Anonymous said...

jesus mate hope you have a good time but of the places in oz you picked newcastle fuck mate its a bit shit