13 September 2008

Can I Go Home Yet??

My worst day yet...ozzie taxi firms are staffed by fucking idots, ozzie buses are plain fucking terrible, ozzie teenagers are all cunts and it's too fucking hot in this shithole.

It too me 2.5hrs just to get into the CBD, a grand total of 6miles! I can walk it in less than that. I spent an hour before that trying to call a taxi but the ONLY taxi company working today was engaged all 20 times I called and the other 4 I tried refused to come to my area. The buses here only run hourly and take an hour to get to the CBD (city centre) and stop at 5pm. I walked to the nearest train station to find that the trains aren't running so had to get a coach...then the fucking cunt of a teenage lad who was stewarding people onto the coaches told me to get on one to Newcastle and it took me 4 miles the wrong fucking way! Finally got into the city and it was 5pm so every last shop was closed and none of the pubs were open. Fucking terrible. After walking around aimlessly for less than an hour I came back again only to find the wankers staying below me were having a massive BBQ outside with screaming kids and drunk women cackling like mad. Not to mention that it hit 30 degrees here and my aircon is playing up so I've been sticking to everything all day.

Apart from that it's been a really good day! I've got a few pics to put up when i can be bothered.

So now I've only got one more day of being trapped in this apartment before going back to work to be ignored all day...


Anonymous said...

awwww poor robbie...
getting to be in another country...
and having nice hot weather...
things could be much worse!
neways nice to hear whats going on!

Anonymous said...

Chin up sonny, you're getting to have the experience of a lifetime. I've *never* been ignored by everyone :-( ;-)

You'll settle :-)

Mands, Gbb

Cat said...

Whenever you're down, just go on a walk and think however shit things are going, you live in a really beautiful place and for that you are so lucky!
I remember when I first got to uni and realised I would have to live with a load of cretins for a year I was like 'send me home!' but now looking back I wouldn't change my first year for the world!
Hahaha. Miss you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxx