17 September 2008

On The Way Up.

So the last couple of days have been better, got to meet a few more office people and feel a bit more settled in. One thing I have realised is that if I want anything to happen, even the smallest most obvious thing than I have to ask and ask again. Working for an international company is a new experience and nothing happens quickly and no-one does anything til they've been asked half a dozen times! The IT guy has been promising to come down "this morning/afternoon" for 5 days now! It really does take the piss but there's nothing I can do about it. I won't even get started on the paperwork involved, I've had to fill in forms for everything and anything, talk about bureaucracy in action...
I've had my medical for my visa and it took about 5mins for most of it then 2hrs to get x-rayed and get the results. Just waiting for my IA to send off the forms and should hear back within a month if I'm lucky.
I've got a viewing on some flats right in the city centre on the waterfront tomorrow, can't wait to move out of this villa, takes ages to get anywhere. They're all fully furnished and serviced too, probably the nicest place I'm gonna live for many many years!

Some more weird things about Oz:

- The coins only go down to 5c so even though prices are say £1.99 or $5.67 they round everything to the nearest 5c.
- All of the cabs have card machines in them so you don't need cash.
- Buses don't stop unless you wave them down. Ever.
- They automatically pack your bags for you in supermarkets.


Anonymous said...

yoyoyo Rob, Sounds like things are slightly better in OZ, hope you settle in properly over the next month or so. Work has just finished here and the last people left today \o/ Freshers soon!


Anonymous said...

Yeah man sounds pretty sweet, as dave said.. work is virtually over. We had a dinner near the italian gardens with bench's in the sun.. was pretty prominent & quite sad that summers over tbh.
Tell us when we can come visit :D