2 September 2008

Corporate Inductions

Are shit. Really shit.

So basically the last two days and the next two weeks are corporate inductions/medicals etc. It's all been the usual boring sitting-in-a-room-watching-stupid-slide shows but it could be worse. I actually won a company branded water bottle today in a quiz ha ha! I met my line manager yesterday who is possibly the least organized/interesting person ever, the other guys already have their mobiles/laptops/car/apartment sorted and I have....nothing. I'm going to be working in the Underground Soft Rock sector which isn't my first choice but hopefully they'll be sending me out to various sites...although they'll all be coal mines :(

On that point, apart from the apartment, all our meals are paid for, we're getting mobiles, laptops, and transport, it's looking like they're going to pay for me to do my driving license :D Apparently the offices in Newcastle need a vehicle to get between them so that's fine with me. I don't actually have anywhere to live yet, going to be in another serviced apartment in Newcastle until they can find a suitable place for me.

So the next two days are health and safety training...the only plus point being the free food and the fact we get a nationally recognized qualification which is something else for my CV. Then it's medicals on Friday and a long weekend. Hopefully a few of the CSM lot will be in Brisbane over the weekend so party time!

Yeh so apart from not much to say...will do a bit more exploring over the next week so keep checking back for more pics etc...

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