17 December 2008



The moment you've all been waiting for has finally arrived... In a little over 48hrs I'll be back in Falmouth.

I'm going to try and see as many people as physically possible before I have to fly back on the 16th so give me a ring, my English number is the same as before. Just don't do it til Friday evening or it'll cost you a fortune.

See you on the other side...

14 December 2008

Another Day, Another Job Offer...

Sooo I had a meeting on Friday with the Group Engineer for one of the biggest international coal mining companies (let's call them "X" if that isn't too big a clue). They've just bought an absolute nightmare of a mine south of Sydney and they want to buy more than $10m of our machines. In order to stop the machines being destroyed within weeks they need a complete overhaul of the processes at the mine. This is where I'd come in, the engineers currently in place are working 24/7 just to keep the place running, they have no time to plan these changes or even think about how they'd use completely different, brand new machinery instead of the half dozen wrecks they have atm. I'd be underground for several months and would look at every single process in the mine from shift patterns, cutting cycles, development, ventilation etc which would be the best possible experience I could get for my 3rd year. This place has rock falls, outbursts, water, massive levels of CO and methane, bad ground, you name it they've got it! They mine under a railway, under a river and a town! There are very few mines where you can experience every problem and danger facing a mine in just one place! Unfortunately the guy I spoke to can't just hire me, my resume which I bodged together the night before has to go to "X" HR department who may say no or even assign me to a totally different project... God knows how this will work with the fact that I'm still employed by my current company and I don't want to even think about the complications it could cause for my visa... The simplest way would be to just hire me as a contractor from my current company but it's all up in the air.

The long and the short of it is that I'm assuming that this isn't going to happen. This is the third grand scheme they've tried to get me involved with since I got here and the first two have fallen through so I'm not getting my hopes up. Would be an incredible thing to put on my CV if I did get it though, not to mention the 5,000 word report I have to do... apparently I could fill that with just the introduction on this mine!

Sooo apart from that... I got nothing.

10 December 2008

Just For The Record

The best thing about free speech is that with this being MY blog I can write whatever the fuck I want to and if you don't like it then TOUGH SHIT. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

RTC xxx

(3 posts in a day, what ever is the world coming to?)

I Should Have Known…

The really cool geotechnical project that could revolutionise roof support is not just in the planning stages, it hasn’t even been approved yet. I spoke to the guy running it and apparently they won’t be in a position to even think about starting it until late February at the earliest. Seeing as they need someone for 12months and I’m leaving in June… If I did start working on it I’d be around long enough to do shit loads of background reading and do the boring-assed labwork before someone else would have to takeover and do all the fun site visits and field trials. That’s juuust great. So assuming I’m stupid enough to still agree to do it then I have another 2-3 months of being bored out of my skull before it starts.

In other news my boss has kindly arranged a meeting for me with a representative of one of the biggest coal mining companies in Oz. For 7.30am on Friday… WTF??? Starting work that early should be illegal never mind the fact that the earliest bus I can catch won’t get me here before 7.35. The last thing I want is to be late for something like that. At least after that meeting I’ve only got another 20-25 different companies to contact, at this rate I might have done 6-7 by the time I come back to the UK in June.

Speaking of which, I’M COMING HOME IN 8 DAYS!!! WOOOOOOOOO!

I’ve got my tickets for the Sydney-Dubai-Gatwick flights and I’ve booked my flights from Gatwick to Plymouth so I should be back in Falmouth approx 9pm on Friday the 19th. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be coming back to the UK, even if it is just for a month. Party party party :D

In The Loop?

So I’ve decided to go about this blogging thing a slightly different way, this is mainly down to the fact that I’m bored to tears at work and partially due to my guilt over not posting regularly. Until I get bored of this too I’m going to be writing the next few entries at work over the course of the day then adding them to my blog at night.

I’m writing this at work on my 5th consecutive day of doing fuck all. This is because I’m waiting for my boss to give me some information and I’m still waiting. Bearing in mind that I can’t continue with my project without it and he said he’d give it to me 2wks ago. My days now consist of copious amounts of hot, caffeinated beverages interspersed with emails to my boss asking for info and the gaps are filled with browsing the internet for anything remotely interesting. I spend my afternoons chatting on Skype to the two guys in Perth about just how bored and unmotivated all three of us are and that’s about the highlight of my day.

The fucking bitch a.k.a. “S” from an earlier post had the temerity to tell me to get off the internet last week or I’d be sacked for misuse! The fact that my research project is internet based obviously bypassed her and I won’t go into the sweet, sweet irony that she told me this over the office I.M. system… On that note the stupid cow still refuses to talk to me even though we sit about 5m away from each other and are both often participants in the same conversation! I even helped her out with getting a clothes washer for her new flat by showing her how to use www.freecycle.com.au but again, she had to direct her comments through a third party. It’s like being back at school but without having hundreds of other girls to perve on while ignoring her….

Because anyone walking around the office can see my computer screen I have to pretend to be doing something but I gave up on that two days ago when I got fed up of the comments from other people about me not doing anything. If they know I’m not working then I can’t be arsed to pretend. For some reason I’m not doing any drafting anymore and I don’t have a fucking clue why. I was working on a pretty complex diagram last week and one of the guys just came over and told me to save it and then he took away the paper copies I was working from and told me to get on with something else! Since then no-one has even suggested I go near a drawing which is odd seeing as they’re all rushing around manically. I either did a really shit job or my boss told them I had to concentrate on this research, it beats me. They constantly have meetings that I’m not invited to so I can safely say that I’m not just ‘out of the loop’; I’m a million miles away.

4 December 2008

Busy like a busy-busy-bee...

I've just had an Epiphany: I really quite like Australia. If I could fly my mates and some decent beer (seriously, it's fucking terrible) over here than I could probably be quite happy. As it is I can't wait to have that month in the UK, without it I couldn't hack staying out here til June (mainly due to lack of decent beer ;P).

In other news: I went to the Sydney motorbike show last weekend as can be seen by my facebook pics... It was pretty damn good. Lots of sexy motorbikes, the odd sexy woman and I finally bought myself a pair of thing summer riding gloves after putting it off for 3yrs. They were a bargain at $30 too, about 12 quid.

I'm also negotiating things like internet access etc with the HR people atm, it pisses me off they didn't sort it out 3 months ago but better late than never...

Oh and I'm certain that Aussies really, really, really don't 'get' my sense of humour. Especially not where I work. The admin girl got angry with me the other day when she failed to realise that I was taking the piss and it's probably the 10th time someone has taken me at face value when they really shouldn't. Sarcasm and irony seem to be enigmas to them, I just get a blank look or a strained smile. God knows what they think of this blog...I know you're out there... ;D

Because it wouldn't be an RTC blog if it didn't have a rant somewhere:

FUCKING BUSES ARE SHIT! I had to wait over an hour outside work because the bus didn't turn up today. Not only do I have to spend 2hrs a day on the moron-infesting wankmobiles but they turn up late and actually charge for the privilege! Not to mention that any vaguely attractive female seems to avoid them like the plague so I can't even distract myself with a bit of good 'ol' perving.
To be fair today it was because the first bus got taken out by a lorry then the relief bus got hit by a car... but that's not the point. They're still fucking shit. Here's an open letter to the lorry/car drivers:

Dear Sir/Madam/window-licker,

Your are a complete cunt. Thanks to your sheer stupidity at not being able to avoid a FUCKING BUS! I had to wait out in the dust and flies for just over an hour. Had you been present there would have been multiple homicides. I hate you.



3 December 2008

Sunny Side Up

Hmmmm, 35 degrees in December, something's different??? It's baking here and poor ickle wobbie-woo is actually looking forward to getting back to cold, wet England and bundling up in layers rather than sweating even with the aircon on.

Oh on that note, I may have failed to mention that I'm coming back to England for Xmas :D The company is flying all three of us back to the UK and I managed to blag my supervisor into a signing a leave form which gave me an entire month off!! That means I should be in the UK from the 19th Dec to the 15/16th Jan. Friggin awesome. I'll be heading straight back down to Fal from Gatwick to go to a gig then home for a few days before (probably) going back to Fal for New Year and staying there til the 13/14th.

There's even more good news: I'm currently working on a fairly interesting project which is a survey of every single underground coal mine in NSW, QLD and NZ (more fun than it sounds, honest!) and my boss is trying to get me involved with a geotechnical engineer who is trying to revolutionise the roofbolting in coal mines... that means extra pay for me, lots of travellling, lots of field work underground AND the company is going to pay for me to get my car license :D So right now, things are looking pretty rosy, can anyone spot the elephant in the room?