27 March 2009

It's all go...

Well the last 2 weeks have been crazily busy and I couldn't be in more of a different position than I was a month ago.

The house has turned out pretty good, I now have a sofa, a dining table with three chairs and a bed with the best damn mattress ever. All the rest shoulkd be arriving sometime within the next week with a bit of luck. This means I still have no fridge or washing machine but luckily the couple that live below me have been legends. In fact we've become pretty good mates over the last 2 weeks and I've spent a few nights sitting outside with them drinking and smoking. They're both into my kind of music too so we've been swapping songs. I've also met the other couple and even though the guy seems like a cock his gf is lovely and comes to hang out with us occasionaly. The weird guy who lives opposite me disappeared 2 weeks ago and I jokingly said he was dead which sparked a bit of a panic in the house. One of the girls finally called the real estate and they said he was in hospital. He got back yesterday and looks suspiciously tanned for someone who has been in hospital for 2 weeks. Luckily he hasn't whinged about his wife yet so it's all good.

Work has been pretty damn good too, I've spent the last fortnight underground, the first 4 days with various Deputies inspecting belts, sumps, shafts and goaf seals then I spent this week in the two development panels helping supply bolts, chemicals etc to the CM's. I've learnt a shitload, more than I did in the entire 6 months in Newcastle. I've got another week or two underground before I start to get shuffled around the surface offices to see the surveyors/longwall/geo's etc.

Oh and that's right, you read it correctly, I'm now working a 4 days week :D Booyah!


Anonymous said...

im sooooo glad its shaped up for you sweety!
its a shame ur coming back realy :P

Anonymous said...


Lula said...

Hey hon,

glad you finally have some furniture & that you're enjoying your 4 day week.

The girls on DFW are missing you so pop in to say hello if you get a chance .... pleeeeeeez

Simon & Angela Starr said...

Hi Rob

Glad it's all picking up and that at last, you're enjoying it down under.


Simon & Angela Starr said...


Hi Rob

You can follow my blog - Hope to see you before I go!!