17 April 2009

Long time, no write bollocks

Yeh I know this is well overdue but thanks to the incompetency of my employers I still don’t have internet access except for when I can get to the local library, apparently Picton hasn’t heard of internet cafes yet. I should have received an internet card/dongle a month ago which would let me receive my company emails and access the net. The wonderful department that deals with them though decided to email me about it… they couldn’t understand why I didn’t receive them when I had no internet access. After a few long-winded phone calls I got put through to possibly the most irritating woman on the planet who promised me she’d call me when the card was sent. After two weeks of no contact I called her to find that yes, they’d been fucking emailing me again!!! How fucking hard is it to understand the concept that I have no email access??? I was promised that it would be sent last Monday yet come Thursday it still hadn’t arrived so now I have a 5 day Easter break and nothing to do but write this bollocks.
On the positive front I finally had a delivery on Thursday of a fridge/microwave/iron/toaster etc but Sod’s Law struck again and not only did my housemate who received the delivery not get a receipt for the delivery cost (leaving me $70 out of pocket) but the fridge doesn’t work. I left it 24hrs before I turned it on but it won’t go cold. I’ve tried everything suggested in the manual but no results yet. Of course being the bright spark I am I had the delivery before the long weekend so nowhere is open until Tuesday morning, leaving me with a big useless lump of metal and plastic clogging up a corner of my apartment. So, on Tuesday I also get to call my estate agents about the fact that only 1 out of 4 coils works on my electric hob, the toilet is cracked right down the bowl and they still haven’t fixed the broken fly screens.
There is, however, a light at the end of the long, long tunnel. I only have a 2 day week next week, oh joy of joys. The company has a “picnic day” on Tuesday (Easter Monday I’m off, of course) so that leaves me with just Wednesday and Thursday to work before my weekend starts on Friday. Then we’re having a big house party on Saturday with a whole load of people coming including a bunch of girls so at least I’ll have something to perve on if nothing else.

It’s all looking good for Download too, my sis has bought my ticket for me and BA have just announced that until November all returns from Sydney to London will be $1500, a good $300 cheaper! Once I get my access to expenses forms etc I should have the dosh in a mere 4 weeks. Then 4 weeks until I fly back to watch one of the greatest line-ups of all times. Faith No More, Slipknot, MM, KSE, Devildriver, The Prodigy, Silverchair, Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach and loads more, I can’t wait! After that I only have to survive about 6 weeks before I fly home for good. I may well come home a few days early for DL and pop down to Falmouth for a day or two around the 7-9th June.

Apart from that most things are going pretty well atm, my housemates are cool and we’ve had a fair few informal gatherings with mates of theirs and plenty of booze. At least I’m interacting with humans again! Work has been pretty cool too, I’m still working in a development panel with one of the crews. I’m basically just one of the crew so I can learn how it all works and see what problems they have and how to try and solve them. My panel is one of a pair, working towards each other from either end of a longwall block to eventually provide the maingate and tailgate of a longwall. The longwall blocks we’re currently cutting are nearly 4km long so there is a fair way to go. The work is hot, messy and bloody hard but I love it. I don’t have any tickets yet but there is a fair chance I’ll get my bolting ticket and maybe even my shuttlecar or transport ticket in the next couple of weeks. I may have to check with my boss back in Newcastle just because all of the equipment I’d be using is our major competitors and I don’t want to piss him off. I’m 90% sure he doesn’t give a shit but I’d rather check first. I won’t tell him that I’ve already spent several shifts stripping and repairing the apron/bolting rig on one of the miners. I’ll try not to mention that the workforce don’t seem to be too happy about getting our machines at the end of the year either…

That’s about it for now, I think. Leave me comments peeps and as soon as I have full-time net access you’ll be the first to know!

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