29 January 2009

Oh the sweet irony of it all...

Being the poor sad bastard that I am I was thinking on my way here to use the internet and had a realisation. For the last 11 years I've despised the type of person that swaggers around in expensive clothing with expensive coffee acting like they're far more important than everyone else. So called "privileged" people make me want to hurt them. Yet there I was walking along in my rather nice shoes/trousers/shirt recently purchased from a 'gentlemans outfitters' no less, with my Oakley sunglasses on, holding a large cup of overpriced American coffee with a straight in my mouth and David Grey on my MP3 player... Oh the sweet, sweet irony. I've actually become that which I've railed against so many times. It's what's on the inside that counts though, right??

Anyway, there's bugger all to say apart from that. My boss is still adamant that both these mining companies have been hassling him to employ me but I've left messages and sent emails to both of them and not heard a peep... Grrr. It's really hot here still, not been below 25 degrees since I've been back and I still haven't fixed my air-con so sweating profusely is the order of the day.

Not feeling particularly happy about anything right now but am sustained by the hope of getting some proper work and a pay rise then a motorbike, I'm actually fantasising about how great it's going to be to ride out into the bush. I miss everyone like crazy and I'm fully aware that the postcards I promised in September are still sitting on my table... whoops.

That's all for now... comment people, comment!

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