11 November 2008

1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

Well I don't really wanna talk about it but my birthday was definitely the lowest point of this trip so far. Eating 3-day old pizza on my own isn't quite how I imagined I'd spend the night. Not to mention my boss being the biggest fucking prick to me then effectively excluding me from the project I'd traveled all the way to Ulan to work on. So work was really good for all of 3 days and now I'm back to wasting time because they don't have enough boring, simple jobs to keep me busy.

While I remember: THANKYOU TO EVERYONE WHO SENT ME A BIRTHDAY MESSAGE! They cheered me up no end and were the highlight of an exceedingly poor week.

Anyway, enough of that. Had a really fucking weird night on Friday, the two girls from the office invited me out in town with them. We went shopping in the afternoon so at least I have some respectable clothes now but when I met up with them later it all went pear shaped.

The hottie had a stunning friend with her and they both left within 20mins! They left me with "S" and her friend, neither of whom are at all attractive, not to mention that "S" was plastered. Without going into too much detail I spent the next 3hrs watching her scream at people in the street, kick bins, throw cans at people, steal a bike lock...the list goes on. She ended by telling me to fuck off home which I promptly did.

I was reassured that this was normal behaviour for her but I waited all weekend for a txt saying "please don't tell anyone at work"...it never arrived. So come Monday when the people at work (who knew exactly what I'd let myself in for) asked me what happened I just said that she was drunk and got rowdy, causing bit of a scene. No details, no bitching, just the facts. Cue 20mins later and "S" is doing a lovely imitation of a 14yr old with "you're spreading shit behind my back, friends don't tell secrets, we never liked you anyway just felt sorry for you, you're a fucking this-and-that". I don't think she appreciated me laughing in her face....oops my bad. I couldn't help cracking up when she turned a simple 30 second conversation into a massive drama and brought out insults I haven't heard since school.

After pointing out that I'm not her friend, everyone at work knows she's a rowdy bitch anyway and that I didn't tell them any of the details that would have actually caused her embarrassment I left her to it. There was more amusement today when she insisted on pulling faces at me while I was trying to make a coffee...I'm taking bets on how long it'll be before the immature cow tells me "you're not coming to my birthday paaahrty" :D

Sooooo apart from that nothing has changed, still bored, still pissed off with work. However I have actually entertained the thought of jacking it all in for longer than 5minutes which is worrying. Have been looking into ways to get a flight home in the early New Year for a visit home.

Chow for now...


Anonymous said...

and obviously see me most of all!!!

Anonymous said...

Tell her I think she is a whore & needs a slap of reality.

Rob you should go find out underground ozzie music scenes! make some random mates!

Anonymous said...

Haha I'm just ignoring her.

I got chatted up by an older woman on Friday and just stood there like "yeh, whatever" until she walked off....can't believe I did that!