31 May 2009

Plenty More To Come

I haven't given up on this blog, I've just not taken the time to sit down and write. I've got about half a dozen posts sitting in my head, I just haven't digitised them yet. I was awakened to this fact by a certain cyber-stalker of mine so now I feel guilty enough to start typing, cheers Loz ;P

I'm flying back to the UK in 5 days for a 2week holiday including DOWNLOAD!!! Can't wait! I'll be going home to see my Mum and my WSM friends for two days before heading to Fal for two days before heading to Download and then back to Fal for the remainder of my time at home.

Work is better now as I've started to move around the departments so I've spent a week with the surveyors which included a day on the beach at Wollongong and I'll be moving on to gas drainage and geology when I get back at the end of June.

I've also got a bunch of new housemates, a couple living opposite me, a new girl replacing a now-ex-boyfriend at the back of the house and a soon-to-be-found tenant for the apartment below me. Unfortunately the couple living there who have become my good friends have been evicted for some rather spurious noise complaints. They're leaving tomorrow and so I should have one or two new housemates by the time I get back from the UK.

I've been partying pretty hard with both my housemates and some guys I met through them so my Facebook and Myspace are chocka with new pics... check them out.

1 comment:

Laura Hough said...

I am not a cyber stalker. I am just naturally nosey. that is all.