28 August 2008

It's nearly time...

...and I haven't even started packing!

Less than 24hrs to go and I'm nearly there with all the paperwork/organisational side of things but no sign of a suitcase let alone a filled one!! People keep asking if I'm excited and all I can say to that is that I'm bricking it! There's a long list of things to do and I'm a very short way through it but I'm getting there slowly:

  • My motorbike is going to the garage tomorrow morning to be sold so I can then start packing my bike gear/helmet etc.
  • I've sorted out my bank accounts and online banking and got $500 to tide me over.
  • I've emailed the uni with the paperwork they wanted.
  • Printed my itinerary, plane ticket, contract and anything else I can possibly think of.
So that's a few things down, so now all I have to do is:
  • E-mail TCS about the £200 they owe me!
  • Contact the SLC about my loan.
  • Write two cheques for nearly £200!
  • Seperate everything I'm taking from that I'm leaving behind.
  • Pack away everything I'm leaving behind
  • Pack everything I'm taking
Nearly there...haha!


catballou said...

Have an absolutely fantastic time...

catballou said...

have a fantastic time