31 August 2008


I finally got them all onto Photobucket so here we go...

On the plane:


Various views from my apartment:


Some pics of Brisbane itself:


The full album can be seen on my Facebook so add me as a friend if you haven't already...


Made It

Made it to Brisbane ok, am still kinda jetlagged even after 14hrs sleep. We're all moved into our seperate apartments for the next 2wks and looking forward to starting work on Monday. I think.

Oh if anyone actually cares the flights went fine except for when we tried to check in at Heathrow...turns out the immigration agent didn't actually sort out our visa's so we weren't allowed to fly until the airline staff called Oz and a few other places and finally got us a visa! The stopover at Singapore was pretty cool, the airport is a lot nicer than Heathrow and the smoking area was brilliant, a rooftop cacti garden with a beautiful view and it's own bar with a music system!! The only problem was it was so hot out there you couldn't hang around too long without sweating for England. The duty free kicked ass too, 400 Davidoff's for £18!! For the last leg to Brisbane a stewardess asked us if we wanted to use 3 spare seats at the back so I moved to row 69 (lulz) and had 3 seats by the window to myself :D I put the armrests up and stretched out, managed to get 4hrs horizontal sleep.

We spent yesterday morning exploring the city a little bit, the easiest way to get around is the ferry service which runs every 10mins from right outside our apartment block to the main shopping area. The city itself is ok, I'm not a massive fan of cities anyway but this place does seem a bit more chilled out than most. One thing that was weird was that on a saturday morning almost all of the food courts were completely shut..wtf?? Just trying to find some lunch was a proper hassle, not impressed! The apartments we're in are pretty cool, double bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom and balcony to myself :D The balcony looks out over the river and the city centre which is awesome. The company sorted out some food for us but it's not gonna last long so gotta try and find a supermarket later today.

That's all I have to say... pics will follow...honest.

28 August 2008

Leaving now...

I'm finally pretty much packed, think I'm over the weight limit but I'll have to sort that out later...

See you on the other side...

It's nearly time...

...and I haven't even started packing!

Less than 24hrs to go and I'm nearly there with all the paperwork/organisational side of things but no sign of a suitcase let alone a filled one!! People keep asking if I'm excited and all I can say to that is that I'm bricking it! There's a long list of things to do and I'm a very short way through it but I'm getting there slowly:

  • My motorbike is going to the garage tomorrow morning to be sold so I can then start packing my bike gear/helmet etc.
  • I've sorted out my bank accounts and online banking and got $500 to tide me over.
  • I've emailed the uni with the paperwork they wanted.
  • Printed my itinerary, plane ticket, contract and anything else I can possibly think of.
So that's a few things down, so now all I have to do is:
  • E-mail TCS about the £200 they owe me!
  • Contact the SLC about my loan.
  • Write two cheques for nearly £200!
  • Seperate everything I'm taking from that I'm leaving behind.
  • Pack away everything I'm leaving behind
  • Pack everything I'm taking
Nearly there...haha!